Friday, April 29, 2011

The Royal Wedding

Ok I do admit I did watch Prince William and Catherine get married today.  I was surprised in many ways.  I loved the dress and her train was not so long so that was good.  I think Prince William or is Duke now looked smashing as did brother Prince Harry.  I figured I would tune in and be bored was I surprised I wasn't it went kinda fast nd the vows did not take forever.  Prince Phillip looked great as well but the Queen in yellow not a good color on her did no one tell her that.  But then she queen she can basically do what she wants.  The press didn't focus to  much on dour looking Prince of Wales his wife looked really cheery in her spring colors.  Pippa Middleton looked smashing in her maid of honor dress she looked very goood in it.

So I see the England ladies is bringing back the hat for they seemed to be everywhere in all shapes and forms.  However the Queens hat I di dnot l ike to prim I believ

The ride back to Buckingham Castle was rather interesting to watch.  I watched the horses more than anything.  I don't know if it was the crowd that was making them behave in such a way but they seemed nervous.  The soliders on the black horses behind Prince William all seemed to up and down all at the same time as the horses raised their proud heads.  So do they practice this?  I just found it very odd and scenery along the way was excellent to watch and the size of the castle was overwheming.  It was huge it just made me want to go and visit.  Yes I have seen pictures of it but I didn't think it was that big.

Ok that is my opinion on what I seen this morning so you come back again and lets keep it real ok.

UPDATE:  The weather
Last count I heard was over 200 people had died from the tornadoes two nights ago.  The pictures are ghastly and horrible.  The flooding in my state is getting worse and we are due for more rain.  That is only going to make ithe situation worse.

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