Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Bye bye Soaps

Like I stated in my previous blog the following is my opinion so here goes.

The reason why I stopped watching All My Children but first let me say that AMC was the only soap I ever watched a full hour of out of all the ones I was watching at the time.  I even stuck with it when it wasn't so good I knew it would get better and it always did.  But why did I stop you ask well they killed off my favorte character when he should have never been around to beging with.  I am talking about Josh Madden, Erica's abortive son.  I like him and will always believe Babe should have chosen me.  He always had a good connection with both his sisters but they killed him and there is no way he will come back.  Another reason I got tired of Kendell and Greenlee always determined to bring the other down for something one did to other  and they were supposedly best friends it just got to painful  to watch.  Another reason why I stopped watch is they destoryed Ryan and Annnie after they got married is to give him amensia and when he got it back he claimed he never loved her,  I just didn't buy that.  I  seen they way he felt about her, he stood by her before he married her and to claim he never loved her was jsut to much for me.  So I stopped and never started watching again.  Now that it is about to go off the air does not give me incentive to start watching again.  It is sad that is leaving the air after so many years.

I also like to comment on the state of cancelling our soaps does the higher up person who makes this decison do they think we don't care about this.  Well let me tell you this is one person that cares.  I cared when As The World Turn left the air that really hurt.  It was just a bad judgemnet call.  This person that decided to cancel our show should be aware how much some of us look forward to our daily viewing habits.  So I will miss them when they are gone and will eventually occupy my time doing something else maybe like wiritng this blog or something like it.

So that is why I stopped watching AMC I know who really cares but I just wanted to put that out there so comw back again to read the next one ok.

You can follow me on twitter as @jtcannon5 and remember lets keep it real and be safe out there.

Bye for now

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