Sunday, April 24, 2011

in my own words

Hi let me start off by saying I never usually gave my own opinion who would care to listen to what I had to say or even care.  Well that has changed I think it is time I got myslef or my voice out there so it can be heard.  So the following is mine and I hope this will continue if people like what I have to say.  So are you ready?

I want to start with Mr. Donald Trump, what is your deal with President Obama birth orgins.  You are aware his mother was an American citizen so it really makes no difference where he was born.  So Hawaii gives out a different thing than the other 49 states time to let it go man.  You are aware there is other bigger problems to contend with right?  You need to focus elsewhere like your businesses, your tv show or even maybe your run for the presidency.  So move on already

Ok that is it for now come back again ok

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