Monday, May 2, 2011

In the news

I was in bed asleep when it happened but I got the news via twitter and was I ever so shocked that Osama bin Laden was killed the night before.   I have no idea why I was shocked maybe because no word had leaked out prior which I think would be a good thing.  The press does go to far.  Well anyway I am going to say this I am glad he is dead, is that a terrible thing to say?  I think not look at what the man has done killed over 3000 in 9/11 all the muslims children and women he killed.  Well he didn't do it directly of course he had his army to do it.I want to give a shout out to the navy seals for doing such a great job you make me proud to be an american.  I also think President did a outstanding job at doing this he needs to be commended for doing such a job.  Laden's death should now bring peace to the over 3000 people who died on 9/11 and their loved ones now can rest easily now.  So what is the big deal about him bieng buried at sea he isi now fishy food a great honor for a man who was so dishonorable.  Whoopi on "The View" could not describe him but I can I call him the evil monster.  I am hoping this will end it but know better we still have to remain strong and on alert for the next monster to come along.

So lets keep it real and follow me on twitter @jtcannon5

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