Wednesday, April 27, 2011

in my own words update

Ok Mr. Trump enough is enough don't ou think.  You have seen the birth certicate but yet your still not happy.  You need to move on already I am sure there is other americans who will agree with me.  It is like President said there is other things to contend with and you were just wasting his time.  I so agree.  There is 2 wars going on, the budget just to name 2.  So move on with yourself and get a life already.

On Monday on "The View"  I learned you had not voted in over 20 years so what gives the right to sayanything about what is going on.  You actually have no voice.   You also have regristered yourself as a republican, a democratic and a independent can't you make up mind what party you want to idenrify yourself wirh.  How are we suppose to trust you if you can't decide who you really are. 

So you couldn't get into Havard Daddy's money didn't put you there so how can you complain about not getting in when President Obama did.  Did it ever occur to ou maybe he worked his butt off to get there.  I think it is time you moved on.  I wonder ws your first wife and last wife are they americans themselves before you married them.  does anyone know?

Kike I have stated before just is just me voicing my opinion.

follow me on twitter at @jtcannon5 and come back again and enjoy

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