Thursday, April 28, 2011

Whats up with the weather

Has anyone notice the weather seems to be getting really bad besides me.  There seems to be more severe earthquakes, even in the area where I now live, when there never was before.  The hurricanes and typoons seem to be getting stonger and flooding is even worse.  In my area alone just this week we had rain for 4 days straight which has never happened before.  We get the occassional shower then it will go away but it rained for days straight.  Our winter which is usually mild was a bad one.  We had snow to stsay on fo rdays when usually it would snow and before the next one come along it was already gone this past winter that was not the case.  Some say it is global warning which could be true.  But I think mother nature or someone is sending a sign and no one is paying attention.  Sommething is going to happen to our wold and we will not be prepared.  Just think about it whatever is going on is getting more severe.  So I think we all need to be prepared for something is coming.  For exmple the storms that come through our way went south and those state had devasting tornadoes.  Killing over 100 at last count.  The earthqaukes in Japan, Hati and New Zealand was wore than usual.  So if yoi like to leave your comment do so I would be interested in learning your ideas on what is going on.

Ok lets keep it real and follow me on twitter at @jtcannon5 and come back again ok

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