Friday, April 29, 2011

The Royal Wedding

Ok I do admit I did watch Prince William and Catherine get married today.  I was surprised in many ways.  I loved the dress and her train was not so long so that was good.  I think Prince William or is Duke now looked smashing as did brother Prince Harry.  I figured I would tune in and be bored was I surprised I wasn't it went kinda fast nd the vows did not take forever.  Prince Phillip looked great as well but the Queen in yellow not a good color on her did no one tell her that.  But then she queen she can basically do what she wants.  The press didn't focus to  much on dour looking Prince of Wales his wife looked really cheery in her spring colors.  Pippa Middleton looked smashing in her maid of honor dress she looked very goood in it.

So I see the England ladies is bringing back the hat for they seemed to be everywhere in all shapes and forms.  However the Queens hat I di dnot l ike to prim I believ

The ride back to Buckingham Castle was rather interesting to watch.  I watched the horses more than anything.  I don't know if it was the crowd that was making them behave in such a way but they seemed nervous.  The soliders on the black horses behind Prince William all seemed to up and down all at the same time as the horses raised their proud heads.  So do they practice this?  I just found it very odd and scenery along the way was excellent to watch and the size of the castle was overwheming.  It was huge it just made me want to go and visit.  Yes I have seen pictures of it but I didn't think it was that big.

Ok that is my opinion on what I seen this morning so you come back again and lets keep it real ok.

UPDATE:  The weather
Last count I heard was over 200 people had died from the tornadoes two nights ago.  The pictures are ghastly and horrible.  The flooding in my state is getting worse and we are due for more rain.  That is only going to make ithe situation worse.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Whats up with the weather

Has anyone notice the weather seems to be getting really bad besides me.  There seems to be more severe earthquakes, even in the area where I now live, when there never was before.  The hurricanes and typoons seem to be getting stonger and flooding is even worse.  In my area alone just this week we had rain for 4 days straight which has never happened before.  We get the occassional shower then it will go away but it rained for days straight.  Our winter which is usually mild was a bad one.  We had snow to stsay on fo rdays when usually it would snow and before the next one come along it was already gone this past winter that was not the case.  Some say it is global warning which could be true.  But I think mother nature or someone is sending a sign and no one is paying attention.  Sommething is going to happen to our wold and we will not be prepared.  Just think about it whatever is going on is getting more severe.  So I think we all need to be prepared for something is coming.  For exmple the storms that come through our way went south and those state had devasting tornadoes.  Killing over 100 at last count.  The earthqaukes in Japan, Hati and New Zealand was wore than usual.  So if yoi like to leave your comment do so I would be interested in learning your ideas on what is going on.

Ok lets keep it real and follow me on twitter at @jtcannon5 and come back again ok

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

in my own words update

Ok Mr. Trump enough is enough don't ou think.  You have seen the birth certicate but yet your still not happy.  You need to move on already I am sure there is other americans who will agree with me.  It is like President said there is other things to contend with and you were just wasting his time.  I so agree.  There is 2 wars going on, the budget just to name 2.  So move on with yourself and get a life already.

On Monday on "The View"  I learned you had not voted in over 20 years so what gives the right to sayanything about what is going on.  You actually have no voice.   You also have regristered yourself as a republican, a democratic and a independent can't you make up mind what party you want to idenrify yourself wirh.  How are we suppose to trust you if you can't decide who you really are. 

So you couldn't get into Havard Daddy's money didn't put you there so how can you complain about not getting in when President Obama did.  Did it ever occur to ou maybe he worked his butt off to get there.  I think it is time you moved on.  I wonder ws your first wife and last wife are they americans themselves before you married them.  does anyone know?

Kike I have stated before just is just me voicing my opinion.

follow me on twitter at @jtcannon5 and come back again and enjoy

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Bye bye Soaps

Like I stated in my previous blog the following is my opinion so here goes.

The reason why I stopped watching All My Children but first let me say that AMC was the only soap I ever watched a full hour of out of all the ones I was watching at the time.  I even stuck with it when it wasn't so good I knew it would get better and it always did.  But why did I stop you ask well they killed off my favorte character when he should have never been around to beging with.  I am talking about Josh Madden, Erica's abortive son.  I like him and will always believe Babe should have chosen me.  He always had a good connection with both his sisters but they killed him and there is no way he will come back.  Another reason I got tired of Kendell and Greenlee always determined to bring the other down for something one did to other  and they were supposedly best friends it just got to painful  to watch.  Another reason why I stopped watch is they destoryed Ryan and Annnie after they got married is to give him amensia and when he got it back he claimed he never loved her,  I just didn't buy that.  I  seen they way he felt about her, he stood by her before he married her and to claim he never loved her was jsut to much for me.  So I stopped and never started watching again.  Now that it is about to go off the air does not give me incentive to start watching again.  It is sad that is leaving the air after so many years.

I also like to comment on the state of cancelling our soaps does the higher up person who makes this decison do they think we don't care about this.  Well let me tell you this is one person that cares.  I cared when As The World Turn left the air that really hurt.  It was just a bad judgemnet call.  This person that decided to cancel our show should be aware how much some of us look forward to our daily viewing habits.  So I will miss them when they are gone and will eventually occupy my time doing something else maybe like wiritng this blog or something like it.

So that is why I stopped watching AMC I know who really cares but I just wanted to put that out there so comw back again to read the next one ok.

You can follow me on twitter as @jtcannon5 and remember lets keep it real and be safe out there.

Bye for now

Sunday, April 24, 2011

in my own words

Hi let me start off by saying I never usually gave my own opinion who would care to listen to what I had to say or even care.  Well that has changed I think it is time I got myslef or my voice out there so it can be heard.  So the following is mine and I hope this will continue if people like what I have to say.  So are you ready?

I want to start with Mr. Donald Trump, what is your deal with President Obama birth orgins.  You are aware his mother was an American citizen so it really makes no difference where he was born.  So Hawaii gives out a different thing than the other 49 states time to let it go man.  You are aware there is other bigger problems to contend with right?  You need to focus elsewhere like your businesses, your tv show or even maybe your run for the presidency.  So move on already

Ok that is it for now come back again ok