Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The doctor visit

Ok we all go the doctor right.  You have an a ppoinmnet so you get there on time sign in and then what?  You have to wait so who beisdes me think that is wrong.  If you are going to cancel you have to give a 24 hour nootice what happens if you should have a emergency and you can't call ahead to tell the recoption you won't be there do they charge you for your appointed time.  We all know if you show up late you can't get in for they can't fit you in if you miss your appointment.  Is that fair?  I think not.  Ok now you get called in to see the doctor and what is that happens agin you wait.  Once again I think nt fair.  You should be able to log onto the internet if you have a portable device that you can do this.  As far as I know only hospitals let you do this.  I am sure,like myself, I take something something to read while waiting.  Mabe tey should put a small tv in the room so you can amuse yourself while waiting if you don't have a book.  Now lets say the doctor arrives you tell what the problem is is that right?  Isn't tat why your there so he can fix it?  You may wait a 30 minutes or longer for doctor and he only spend 5 minutes with you that is just rude if you ask me. 

What I think they need to do an this just me  and what I think they should not scedule 4 people every 15 minutes.  Does the doctor need that much more money?  Why can't we charge for our time while waiting I am sure there would be a better wait then.  Because like me I am sure you think your time is worth more than waiting in the doctor office for a 5 minute visit.

Ok that is it for now and so lets keep it real and come back soon ok and if you have suggestions on a topic and what I would say about it let me know.

The thought for today is The thing always happens that you really believe in, belief in a thing makes it happen  Francis Lloyed Wright.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Getting older

Yes we all do it as much as some people rather not but it happens you know it is nature.  But who said getting older had to be so painful I want to meet this person and ask them why.  As you get older your body begins to do strange things that it never did before.  Like all the aches and then the pains that follow.  Starts out with a little pain that pain gets more intense and the next thing you know you have arthitis where the heck did that come from.  That is what I like to know. What did I eat to or drink to get this someone tell me and I will stop.  Then the next thing you get more intense pain in other parts of your body more painful than the previous place and I noticed then your body becomes different.  I mean this is no fun and I did not sign up for this so take me off that sheet of paper.  Then you notice your body doesn't feel the same there is days I don't even reconize my bdy because it was never like this.

As a young adult I was able to keep up by wlaking with purpose now I can barely keep up for all the younger kids bypass me it just make sme angry that I can't keep up.  Then the bones start moving on you.  Let me tell you was I ever shocked when I dicovered this.  I felt deformed and that is not a good feeling.  Then your kness start hurting and ecome painful and you can hardly walk let me tell you not fun at all.  My shoulders hurt my elbows, my wrist which as you know is very painful.  So likek I stated beofre who agreed to this.  As a result of all this is my fingers are going numb and I can't stop it and that makes me mad.  I like to be in control of my body but this is in control of me and I don't like it.

So I quess I should have taken better care of myslef when I was younger and I thought I had was I ever wrong.  So what you do to your body when your a youth comes back to haunt yoou later.  So for me getting older has not been fun and as I approach 50 next yearr I whate to think what will come next.  As it is I will not be able o walk or do anything with my hands,  but I am sure I will figure out a way to do this.

So lets keep it real and until next time be safe out there and come back again

Monday, May 2, 2011

In the news

I was in bed asleep when it happened but I got the news via twitter and was I ever so shocked that Osama bin Laden was killed the night before.   I have no idea why I was shocked maybe because no word had leaked out prior which I think would be a good thing.  The press does go to far.  Well anyway I am going to say this I am glad he is dead, is that a terrible thing to say?  I think not look at what the man has done killed over 3000 in 9/11 all the muslims children and women he killed.  Well he didn't do it directly of course he had his army to do it.I want to give a shout out to the navy seals for doing such a great job you make me proud to be an american.  I also think President did a outstanding job at doing this he needs to be commended for doing such a job.  Laden's death should now bring peace to the over 3000 people who died on 9/11 and their loved ones now can rest easily now.  So what is the big deal about him bieng buried at sea he isi now fishy food a great honor for a man who was so dishonorable.  Whoopi on "The View" could not describe him but I can I call him the evil monster.  I am hoping this will end it but know better we still have to remain strong and on alert for the next monster to come along.

So lets keep it real and follow me on twitter @jtcannon5